1. Creating a new project

Run Express Thumbnail Creator, if it's not yet started. You'll see the Main window of ETC. The buttons at the top (the quick bar) are used for quick navigation among the sections (steps) of the project - this term is used to denote each individual image gallery. You are not bound to follow all the steps consecutively and may skip any of them - if some important data appears to be omitted, Express Thumbnail Creator will prompt you to enter it. However, you may use the Back and Next buttons at the bottom to follow all the steps of project.

When you run the program it offers to choose between two options: Create a new project and Open an existing project. If you are running ETC for the first time, you may just press Next. If you have already created some gallery using ETC and want to modify it, select Open an existing project and also click Next. In the appeared dialog window select a project you want and click Open.

Next step: 2. Adding images